Entering ACGN Protocol, Exploring the Beauty of ACGN

ACGN Protocol
5 min readNov 11, 2023


ACGN Protocol stands at the forefront of innovative platforms, integrating cutting-edge artificial intelligence technology to unleash infinite possibilities for creators and enthusiasts. Infused with advanced AI technology, ACGN Protocol is a pioneering Web3 ACGN (Anime, Comics, Games, Novels) creator ecosystem. Built on an open-source creator protocol, ACGN Protocol equips users with leading AI tools, empowering them to create derivative content originating from original IP. This innovative approach not only nurtures a seamless NFT content network connecting derivatives and original creations but also fosters a community-based ACGN content creation ecosystem.

ACGN Protocol provides users with advanced AI-driven creative tools, allowing seamless uploads of derivative works. Our platform facilitates the creative process by offering AI-assisted content creation tools, AI model training, and exploration of diverse materials. Additionally, users can engage in NFT transactions on the platform and effortlessly incorporate illustrations, music, voiceovers, and scripts using our visual novel creation tool, enhancing the creation of captivating visual novels. Embrace the future of content creation with ACGN Protocol.

Brand Background

ACGN Protocol, as a creator ecosystem built on an open-source creator protocol, liberates creators from the constraints of traditional creative models, bridging the gap between dreams and reality. We not only provide cutting-edge AI tools but also forge a seamless NFT content network connecting derivatives and original creations. This is more than just a platform; it’s a unique community, bringing together countless creators and enthusiasts passionate about ACGN culture.

The mission of the ACGN team is to construct a Web3-native creator ecosystem. In this ecosystem, creators can collaborate to establish a decentralized intellectual property network, where ownership of each work is determined by NFTs. The value of each work is captured through the NFT network, and creators can earn ACGN tokens. This network also effectively captures the value of derivative works. ACGN consists of three components: NFT content distribution, NFT marketplace, and visual novel editor. ACGN provides creators with rich content tags to upload their works. Through our visual novel editor, creators can rearrange NFT assets, craft visually engaging narratives, add background stories to NFTs, and distribute and sell them in our global marketplace.

Product Upgrades

Within the ACGN Protocol ecosystem, users can leverage our advanced AI-driven creative tools to produce derivative content originating from original IP. This innovative approach not only facilitates creators’ imaginative pursuits but also cultivates a diverse creative environment. Our platform not only supports users in uploading derivative creations but also offers a variety of AI-assisted tools, including training AI models and exploring materials, providing creators with vast creative spaces.

Our visual novel creation tool enables creators to seamlessly integrate illustrations, music, voiceovers, and scripts, crafting immersive visual novel works. This goes beyond mere creation; it embodies a unique cultural experience unique to the Web3 world.

Our platform provides robust AI tools for generating visual and textual content. Users can easily generate images and text content using these tools. Whether it’s creative illustrations, captivating storylines, or elegant articles, users only need to provide relevant input and guidance, and the AI tools will utilize their powerful capabilities to create content tailored to their needs. With ACGN’s AI tools, users can save time and effort, obtaining high-quality creative results without the need for professional design or writing skills.

In addition to providing AI tools for generating visual and textual content, our platform offers an AI model training tool, allowing users to train their own AI models. Through the AI model training tool, users can leverage their own datasets and algorithms to train personalized AI models. This means users can train intelligent models customized for their specific needs and applications. Our AI model training tool provides powerful computational resources and algorithm support, enabling users to efficiently conduct model training. Furthermore, we offer model evaluation and optimization features, assisting users in achieving optimal model performance. Through the AI model training tool, users can unleash their creativity within the Web3 ecosystem, building smarter and more personalized applications and services.

Looking Ahead

The future of ACGN Protocol is brimming with infinite possibilities. We will continue to uphold the principles of openness and innovation, constantly introducing the latest technologies and tools to provide users with a more convenient and efficient creative experience. We aspire to be the most influential and innovative platform in the ACGN field, creating a stage for creators to showcase their talents and realize their dreams.

We will further enhance the visual novel editor, providing creators with more features and tools. We will support Live 2D and gaming functions, enabling creators to produce more vivid and interactive works. We will gradually advance the alpha testing of the ACGN platform to ensure its stability and security. Additionally, we will launch the creator center, providing creators with more resources and support to help them realize their creative dreams. We will develop the ACGN AI creator tool, a significant innovation that allows creators to craft more exciting ACGN works using AI tools. Furthermore, we will support user-generated content (UGC) game publishing, allowing more creators to showcase their game creations to the world. Following this, we plan to introduce the ACGN AI model training tool, enabling creators to better cultivate AI models and produce more personalized works. During this period, we will continuously explore the application of AI in the SocialFi (social finance) field, providing users with more social trading experiences. Simultaneously, we will expand the themes in the ACGN ecosystem, covering more diverse cultural genres, offering more opportunities for diversified creations. In the future, our AI models will possess interactive capabilities, generating profits for the owners. This will be a highlight of the ACGN ecosystem, bringing more value and opportunities to creators and users.

ACGN Protocol will continue to advance, leading the future development of the ACGN field. We are committed to creating a creative ecosystem full of innovation and imagination, allowing everyone to participate and collectively create a bright future for ACGN culture.

